
Friday, July 9, 2010

Christina Hendricks in LA Times magazine

On dying her hair red, starting at age 10
"I was obsessed with the Canadian novel Anne of Green Gables. I decided I was Anne of Green Gables. There was something that spoke to me about her, and I wanted to have her beautiful red hair. So my mother said, "Let's just go to the drugstore and get one of those cover-the-gray rinses!" My hair was very blond at the time, but it went carrot red. And I was over the moon. I went to school the next day and felt like myself. And then I went back [to that color] over and over again. What a cool mom, right?"

On the retro underwear in 'Mad Men'
"We're so used to it now, but those undergarments really aren't made for relaxing. If I get my entire costume on, and I have to wait a few hours for my next scene, I have to learn how to position myself, otherwise the boning presses into my guts! It can really hurt those internal organs! I have this little war wound--a blister from wearing a garter the other day for 17 hours."