
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Degrassi Boiling Point Spoilers!

August 16 2010

Tears Dry On Their Own Pt 1

Jenna becomes ill on the day of her big audition

August 17 2010

Tears Dry On Their Own Pt 2

Jenna’s biggest fear comes true, and she wonder how KC will respond. Elsewhere word spreads about Connor’s “girlfriend.”

August 18 2010

Still Fighting It Pt 1

Riley sees the dangers of homophobia, but it may be too late for him to win back Zane.

August 19 2010

Still Fighting It Pt 2

Riley and Owen become engaged in their fight over homophobia. Meanwhile, Eli’s signals confuse Clare.

August 23 2010

Purple Pills Pt 1

Fiona panics about facing Bobby in court and asks her doctor to calm her anxiety.

August 24 2010

Purple Pills Pt 2

Fiona’s legal case against Bobby is in jeopardy because she resorted to self medicating to suppress her anxiety.

August 25 2010

All Falls Down Pt 1

Drew’s relationship with Alli is at risk when Bianca temps him to be unfaithful.

August 26 2010

All Falls Down Pt 2

The school dance proves to be a disaster, despite Holly J’s promises to the contrary.