
Monday, August 9, 2010

Justin Timberlake Thinks The Smell Of Body Odour Is Sexy...

Justin Timberlake says he gets turned on by the smell of a woman’s BO.

Lovely. I’m sure your lady Jessica Biel is mightily flattered by that compliment.

He said: “Some people say BO (body odour) can be an aphrodisiac and I agree.

“It depends on where the body the odour is coming from. It’s a long-term intimate thing.

“You don’t want it to be the first thing you smell when she comes into the room. It’s about layers – layers meant to be discovered.”


He also revealed that he likes his women to wear fragrance that smells of food

“Men like scents that have more to do with food than roses. Something subtle and not too loud or overt.

“A woman doesn’t need something whimsical to be sexy – smart is sexy. Sleek is sexy.”

And so is a clean and scented armpit!