
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Snooki to President Obama: Stop Lying About Me!

Snooki is upset with President Obama.


It certainly has nothing to do with foreign policy, health care reform or any other such important matters.

She doesn't like that he's, well, lying about her...

During his appearance on The View the other day, Obama said he didn't know who Snooki was. However, in May, our commander in chief joked that Jersey Shore's pint-sized firecracker, along with JWoww and The Situation, should be excluded from paying the new tanning tax.

"I know he knows who I am," Snooki told me yesterday at the Television Critics Association convention at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. "Why did he have to lie and say he didn't know me? He did say Snooki and JWoww about the tanning stuff and now he doesn't know who I am? He has to stop lying."

As for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently slamming the MTV series for tarnishing the Garden's State's image, Snooki simply said, "He needs to come over and have a hot dog and a Corona and just chill."

But not too many Coronas. At least not enough to get him thrown in the slammer like Snookers was on July 30. "I learned not to drink during the day and save it for the clubs," she said. "Have you ever been in jail? It's not fun. I never want to go there again."

Besides, she shouldn't be wasting her time behind bars. She's got a lot on her plate. Not only did she say she's launching a clothing line (of course), but…well, we'll let her tell you.

"I'm writing two books," she said. "One is the Snooktionary with all my sayings in it and the other one is the story of somebody going to Seaside Heights and everything that could happen to them."

We know what we're getting the president for Christmas.