Exhibit A, taken in July 2007, is the original classic. It's clear from her parted lips that Lindsay is about to lecture those in earshot about the injustices of her arrest and our legal system. This is the mug shot that launched a thousand "Free Lindsay" T-shirts.
Exhibit B, snapped on Nov. 15, 2007, is very similar to the first mug shot: the blank stare, the slightly open mouth. Although this time, we think the culprit is collagen injections and not voicing opinions. She does appear more orange though. Perhaps a ploy to blend in with her shirt?

Exhibit C, taken just this past August, showcases a smirk and a knowing twinkle in ole Lindsay's eye. Maybe she knew she'd be back. Well, she was right. In an effort to appear together and composed, Lindsay went with the straightened and sleek hairdo, as opposed to the tousled tendrils we've grown accustomed to in her mug shots.
And finally, we have Exhibit D, freshly snapped on Friday. In a sea of blond mug shots, this one stands out as the only one with a hint of LiLo's original red locks. Hair off her face, limited makeup, and a slightly cocked eyebrow makes this picture perhaps the most serious of the bunch. But does that make it the hottest?