
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tobin Bell Talks about "Saw 3D" and possible new sequel!

Here are some of the things Tobin talked about in a new interview with Movieweb!

With the latest poster, we've seen a giant monument constructed in the shape of Jigsaw leading up to this Friday's release. What does that imagery have to do with this final story being told? And how do you personally feel about that very intriguing piece of artwork?

Tobin Bell: To be honest with you, when they first showed it to me, I thought, "Hmm. Interesting." What interested me most about it is that John Kramer is an engineer. You have this super structure. The classic rebar. Those were the two things that struck me. It is a comment on the fact that he is a structural engineer. And that he is very detail oriented. He is a technician, basically. What I liked even more were the smokestacks on both sides of him, and the buildings on both sides. That represented society to me. What we do to our environment. What is going on in the Gulf. It was about the world at large, rather than being isolated as this monolithic thing. I loved that the guys who created it put the world at large in the background. That aspect I liked a lot.

This is Jigsaw's swansong. How are the previous six films paid off with this climax? And does this final chapter tie up all of the loose ends that have been left dangling? Are we left with a sense of closure?

Tobin Bell: I don't know if I would go that far. I will say, when I work on this guy, I ask myself a whole multitude of questions before we ever begin shooting. Those questions become more question. And more questions. I am always left with a number of questions. Hopefully I have answered enough questions by the time the camera has rolled, that I can play this guy with some degree of security. That I know what he means, and I know what he is saying. I don't know if all of the questions are ever answered. I just compare my situation as an actor to what you are talking about regarding this last film. Does it answer all of the questions? Um, no! But I think it fills in enough pieces that you get a good sense of the puzzle.

Though they claim this is the last installment, I've heard some murmurings that Cary Elwes' Dr. Gordon is being conditioned to take over his own Saw franchise? What are your thoughts on that? And would you participate in it?

Tobin Bell: I have not heard anything about that. At all. As an actor, I am interested in good drama. I could care less about the size of roles. I just care that you give me a good script. I will participate in anything.

That leads back into the question: Do you actually think this is the end of Saw? Looking at Final Destination, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, and countless other franchises, when its announced that 'this is the end', it never really is 'the end'. In all likelihood, how possible is Saw 8? And if it happens? Do you think you'd return?

Tobin Bell: I can't refute what you are saying. It is true that this does happen. But I want to take these guys at their word. That this is where they are going. Beyond that? After we did Saw I , I didn't know where we were going after that. It would be hard for me to have any real concept about what is going to happen from here. If it were my project? I would know more. But its not. I can only deal with those things that I have some control over. This is not one of them.

Have you seen the movie yet?

Tobin Bell: I have. I saw it four days ago.

Source: movieweb