
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Leighton Meester Talks Blake Lively, Gossip Girl on Allure January 2011

On the Chuck and Blair love affair: “I can really relate to it - not necessarily because it’s this dramatic, tumultuous relationship, but because the way they love each other is very real, and not for the sake of being dramatic. It’s actual love. There’s nobody for each other but them.”

On her former life as a partier: “We had craaaazy parties, we had DJ’s, bands, an ice luge, a fire twirler. One of my roommates burned off her bangs on the stove trying to light a cigarette. I mean, drinking is one thing - overdrinking is another. And drugs are something that I do not tolerate at all. You’d be surprised how many people do it. If you go out and you’re living the nightlife scene, that’s what people do.”

On the supposed rivalry with costar Blake Lively: “It’s unfortunate when women are pitted against each other, like with Sex and the City. People say, ‘They’re jealous of each other.’ Come on! They’re all rich, successful, great actresses.”

On her love life: “It’s wonderful to be in love. And it’s definitely wonderful to cuddle and have sex and get to experience life with somebody. But it’s OK if you don’t find him and you’re 24. You can find it someday.”