It’s been just under a year since Shia LaBeouf’s nasty car accident and the “Transformers” star now admits that he will probably never fully recover from the damage. One of his fingers was so badly hurt, he’s about to go in for his third surgery. LaBeouf spoke with Entertainment Weekly recently about the experience and how the accident has changed his life and career over the last nine months.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What’s been going on with your hand since the first surgery?
SHIA LABEOUF: I’ve had screws and plates put in. They put a screw in one of my knuckles. And they shaved a piece of bone off my hip and made a [bone for my] finger out of it.
Was your hand out the window of the vehicle when it got injured?
How is the hand now?
I’m on my third surgery. That’s coming up in a week or two [from April 2]. My middle finger is still crooked as a f—ing noodle, so they’ve gotta straighten it out and put a screw in it.
How long will it take to recover from this third surgery?
I imagine like two months and I’ll be back on my feet.
How much usage will you get back of your left hand?
Probably about 80-something percent. I’ll be able to make a fist again. There’s a knuckle I’ll never be able to move again, but that’s probably the only permanent damage, other than the scarring.
What do you remember of the initial surgical procedure?
The first voice I heard when I came out of surgery was Harrison’s. Harrison [Ford] called me on the phone and said, “Hey, are you okay?” I said, “Yeah, I’m good.” He said, “Well, then you need to get back to work.” I said, “Are you serious?” He said, “That’s the way this cookie crumbles.” So I went back to work. The show doesn’t stop for anybody. [Source]
LaBeouf didn’t cause the accident but did refuse a breathalyzer at the time of the crash, which left him with a suspended sense and a DUI charge that was later dropped thanks to a lack of evidence.