Jezebel's statement about this:
Teen Mom's Catelynn and Tyler have won us over, exhibiting strength and maturity in the face of hardship, and they've expressed a desire to continue their schooling. So we've decided to raise some cash for their college education.
For the next two weeks, Jezebel will be accepting donations via PayPal, which we will then send to Catelynn and Tyler. Obviously we can't guarantee that they'll use the cash to pay for college, but they've demonstrated their strong decision-making skills in the past, and we trust that they'll put the money to good use. You can send a PayPal payment to
The young couple should be commended for having the wisdom to know that they were unable to give their daughter the kind of life that they wanted for her, and the sensitivity to make the kind of sacrifices in order to make sure that she would. However, they've been belittled and admonished for their gut-wrenching decision by Tyler's dad (who has been in and out of jail and rehab throughout his life), and Catelynn's mother (who has substance abuse issues of her own). Still, the pair are determined to improve their lives, by seeking out therapy and making plans to further their education.
But anyone who's watched the show knows that it hasn't been easy for them, given the lack of support and guidance on at least two of their parents' parts. Catelynn's mother has, at times, seemed bitter over her daughter's desire to better her life. In a way it's sad that they've had to deal with such heavy issues at such a young age (particularly because they are doing so in front of an audience of millions), but it's also totally inspiring that the couple has remained kind, loving, and supportive of each other, and haven't themselves become bitter by what life has handed them.
Source: jezebel