In the midst of supportive Twitter hastags like '#staystrongdemi' and '#prayfordemi,' there are blows from Demi supporters on Twitter like @WeLoveLovato. The user said it plainly to her more than 90,000 followers, tweeting: "I seriously hate you. @AshleyMGreene."
The resentment was echoed by another user, @WeGotDemisBack, who said: @JoeJonas "You officially lost my love & respect."
"Joe, being a best friend to demi, dated or "played" with her, dumbed her, forgot about her, dating Ashley. Thank you @JoeJonas. "
The angry messages are too many to list here, but fans also targeted Ashley for her tweet from backstage of the JoBros concert Monday night, saying, "Ecuador rocks!"
From Twitter user @Trashtheashley:
Hey @AshleyMGreene? You have a lot of nerve to post on twitter acting as if nothing is happening. You're the reason for Demi's breakdown, we all know that. Emotional abuse from you, and your friends. You are lower than a snake on the ground.
Though plenty of fans are railing against Joe and Ashley, the overwhelming message on the web today is one of support and prayers for Sonny With a Chance star Demi.
Jill Kohl Jones, the mom of a Demi fan, wrote on Demi's official website "Proud of you that you were wise enought to get help. You have alot of responsibilities for being so young. You are sooo talented, I love your voice, my daughter adores you. Dont back down on your dreams...GOD BLESS!"
Another devout Demi fan said on Twitter that her stint in a treatment center won't hurt her role model status one bit.
"It's hard to believe that my idol, my inspiration my everything is going through a really tough time right now. I really wish... i could be there to help her out and tell her everything's gonna be okay," tweeted @disneydreamsx33. "She's the best role model anyone could ever ask for."
Source: celebuzz