ADAM: He most likely won't appear until the latter part of the season, but his presence may be felt sooner. "There are ways to deal with the storytelling where you're not necessarily confronting the character head-on," creator Andrew W. Marlowe tells us. "It's possible his character ends up being a puppetmaster." In whatever form he takes, look for 3XK's continued freedom to haunt Castle. "Castle feels a responsibility that this guy is out there," Marlowe says. "If he'd just been a little bit smarter ... then whatever might happen in the future wouldn't have happened. Castle is going to feel that burden."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
New 'Castle' Scoops From TV Guide
When are we going to see the Triple Killer again on Castle? — Ellie
ADAM: He most likely won't appear until the latter part of the season, but his presence may be felt sooner. "There are ways to deal with the storytelling where you're not necessarily confronting the character head-on," creator Andrew W. Marlowe tells us. "It's possible his character ends up being a puppetmaster." In whatever form he takes, look for 3XK's continued freedom to haunt Castle. "Castle feels a responsibility that this guy is out there," Marlowe says. "If he'd just been a little bit smarter ... then whatever might happen in the future wouldn't have happened. Castle is going to feel that burden."
ADAM: He most likely won't appear until the latter part of the season, but his presence may be felt sooner. "There are ways to deal with the storytelling where you're not necessarily confronting the character head-on," creator Andrew W. Marlowe tells us. "It's possible his character ends up being a puppetmaster." In whatever form he takes, look for 3XK's continued freedom to haunt Castle. "Castle feels a responsibility that this guy is out there," Marlowe says. "If he'd just been a little bit smarter ... then whatever might happen in the future wouldn't have happened. Castle is going to feel that burden."